о нас
В 1964 году в Тегеране было запущено первое производство под названием «Иран Герис», после чего было приложено много усилий, и в итоге в промышленной зоне Рашт была основана компания «Фуман Шими», действующая и по сей день. За все прошедшие годы компания «Фуман Шими» продолжила развиваться всё больше и больше, и расширила свою деятельность день ото дня.

OUR awards

FoumanChimie history has began since 1964 with establishing the very first grease production line by the name of “Iran Grease” in Tehran. Later, with lots of endeavors FoumanChimie Company has established in Rasht industrial town witch is still in operation till now. During these years Foumanchimie has developed day by day and became one the main industrial group in Iran. with having more than 50 years of experiences in in production of high quality and variable products by utilizing export resources in order to meet the high demand and expectations of target markets. Nowadays FoumanChime is having more 1500 staff and production of 300 SKUs with the most creative and innovative ideas to respond to fast improvement of technology in the field.